
If you are planning to go for a trip to kuttanad don't miss these specialities of Kuttanad. Here is a complete guide of kuttanad which will help you to explore the beauty of Kuttanad. Kuttanad is noted for it's paddy farming and boat race.

Kuttanad is famous as the lowest region of India and is also known as Kuttanadu. The farmers practise farming around 10 feet below the sea level and the region is well known for the geographical peculiarities and heavy paddy crops. Biosaline farming is practised here and FAO has declared Kuttanad as GIAHS which means Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems. Boat race is also organized in Ramankari Backwaters which is a lovely and exciting affair filled with fun and frolic.

Travel Tips

The travellers will find Kuttanad as haven for the natural beauty, natural resources and rich history. There are lots of local legends and myths regarding how the place came into existence and various other curious details. One can stay in the house boats and explore the laid back life of the backwaters to soothe the city-tired nerves. The lake in lower Kuttanad is the largest lake in India.

How to Reach

The place is well connected with lots of major towns and cities in Kerala. Alappuzha is the nearest district connected by road. Nearest railway station is also in Alappuzha. Cochin International Airport is the nearest airport at a distance of 85 KM.


Local farming and culture exploring, backwater tours, houseboat tours, fishing, dykes and a lot of water related activities etc can be done here. Swimming requires an understanding of tropical waters.

Timings & Season

The region can be explored at all times of the year. However, the peak tourist season is from November to February.