Wikiroutes is Launching in INDIA

Hello everyone!

Our global crowdsourcing project Wikiroutes is launching in INDIA. It is free and provides precise public transportation data. I know that India has problems with this type of information.

Wikiroutes main idea is to map all public transportation routes with the help of people around the world.

Wikiroutes is a community of 5000 editors and 3 million monthly users who keep transportation data up-to-date in 1600 cities worldwide. Available in 12 languages including Hindi.

It will take you only 15 minutes to contribute your knowledge of transportation network in your city by creating (drawing) a bus line. Our crowdsourcing editor is so simple that you can add all transport of the city within only 1 week!

Please, let us know what you think of Wikiroutes. You can help us improve this project so that local commuters will spend less time in their daily trips.

Link to the project: