Members are painting an awfully gloomy picture. I have more sanguine expectations from the future. Life will be back to normal sooner than we can imagine.
The human race is resilient and not one to be cowered by fear, for long. People enjoy their freedom, and it won't be long before everyone gets back to living normally. People will bounce back, and as will the travel industry.
Things do look dismal right now, but there are inklings that the current situation will change. Social distancing isn't here to stay – the serpentine queues when liquor shops opened their shutters, the huge crowds that thronged market areas to stock up essentials just before the complete lockdown happened in Chennai. People are fighting the system to be able to move freely. Several reports show people in countries like the US, Germany, Australia, Israel – people want back their lives. And this is just a reflection of how they would act once the lockdowns are lifted.
All we need is a vaccine; once that is developed, travel plans will go back to being what they were. None of us is willing to be confined to our homes until eternity.
"If we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet, he said" -Rachel Wolchin