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  • Category: About ITB

    Please bring forum click to main head.

    Please bring forum click to main head. While I appreciate the webmaster for starting this wonderful blog for the benefits of the people. Please note that many questions would be lingering in the minds of the people and if the forum is brought into the main heading, it would be easy to click and start writing. Now it is concealed under more category. Hope Tony shall take the action for the benefit of the members.
  • #2421
    I too agree with Mr.Mohan in this. Now, unless one clicks on 'more' the existence of the Forum is hidden from visitors. If this is brought to main menu, it would be easier for new users to ask their questions. +1 to this request.

  • #2425
    I too had the same issue. So, this is a very necessary change, this site needs to undergo.
    We are also not getting informed as soon as we launch this page, whether there is any new announcement, or discussion going on.
    Many times it so happens, that we forget to visit the forum page and exit from the site after visiting one or two pages.
    In fact, a similar interface like TEC and ISC would make this site more comfortable.

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