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  • Category: About ITB

    Can we apply for Google AdSense from this site?

    I know that ISC has the feature from where members can apply for Adsense and TEC doesn't have this feature. I am eager ti know whether ITB has this feature. And in sites like ISC, if members get the Adsense account approved, can it be used in other sites as well?
  • #2464

    Unfortunately, we do not have the option to apply for AdSense account through this site. ISC has a special status with Google that allows ISC members to apply for AdSense. Even in that case, such AdSense accounts cannot be used in other sites.

  • #2465
    Thanks a lot Sir, for your response. I am somewhat confused about the whole issue till now. Hope to get it cleared after going through the posts in our websites, which I haven't done much so far.

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