Ice skating rinks in Bangalore

If you are looking for ice skating in Bangalore, read this post. I will talk about the ice skating in the Mantri Mall in Bangalore, India. My kids enjoyed the ice skating and I am sure you all would.

If you have visited countries where heavy winter and snow are part of the life, you would have enjoyed the ice skating as well. Ice skating is a common sport or fun during winter. Our kids miss ice skating and even roller skating after we returned to India. In case of roller skating, they do go for it once in a while on the road here, but you can't find a place for ice skating unless you go to north India where they get snow during winter.

Well, there is some hope. We recently visited the Mantri mall in Bengaluru. I was surprised to see the board "Ice Skating" in the shopping mall and our kids were excited. They followed the sign board and rushed to the skating rink as if the permission was already granted to go for it!

After reaching the ice skating rink in the mall, we realized it is not natural ice, but they look so close. They used a synthetic material to prepare the skating rink, but it was actually better than real ice for beginners. The synthetic material was looking very close to ice and we may not have realized it is not natural ice unless there was a board saying that. Also, it wasn't cold, so probably that would tell anyone it is not real ice.

Ice Skating experience at Mantri Mall

Keep aside the natural vs synthetic issue, but we found it was an ideal place for beginners to practice ice skating in Bangalore. I could not find any other place in town which offer ice skating and not even the artificial ice skating.

The people at the skating rink were very helpful. My son spent about half an hour in the rink and the trainers were more than happy to help him get started. Since John have been pretty good at roller skating, he was able to perform well. In fact, he surprised many other visitors.

Cost of Ice Skating in Mantri Mall, Bangalore

The regular cost for Ice Skating at the Mantri Mall is Rs 250 for a 30 minute session. We got an independence day discount of Rs 25. Generally Bangalore is an expensive place, so we can't find anything cheap here.

In my opinion, Rs 250 for 30 minutes is bit expensive. I can't blame them because they have a lot of staff and trainers. I think if they charge separately for the trainers, it would be a more reasonable approach. That way, those who do not need any training in Ice Skating can enjoy the place at a cheaper price.


Overall, our kids enjoyed skating at the Mantri Mall. It was a great to watch several kids enjoying the skating there. Remember not to purchase a lot of time since kids will get tired. Continuous skating for more than 30 minutes will be difficult for small kids. Check out my review of UB City - luxury shopping mall in Bangalore also.


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Guest Author: Bella08 Nov 2014

How much is the admission fees? What time they are open?

Also, do they give training on skating?

Guest Author: Fareeha amin06 Dec 2014

It's fine for kids to enjoy, but they should have kept little less price of the ice skating, and of course should show which mantri mall of bangalore, there are so many mantri malls at bangalore. Thank you.

Author: Tony John18 Mar 2015 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 0


I agree with you. From pricing point of view, they are bit expensive. But I think that is how it goes in other places. I have tried ice skating in Kochi and few other places as well. They all look pretty expensive compared to other sports activities. I think it is because their maintenance cost is very high for the skating rinks.

Did you already visit there?

Guest Author: Manusha17 Jul 2015

Ice skating is becoming popular in India. Glad to know that Bangalore has some good skating rinks. We will be moving to Bengaluru next year and our kids would really love this place.

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