How to Book Train Tickets through IRCTC Mobile APP

Train ticket booking is easy and few taps away after the introduction of IRCTC APP. Download and book train tickets from your mobile phones. Find step by step guide for online train ticket booking through IRCTC mobile app.

IRCTC Mobile Application is a convenient way for users to book Indian rail tickets. You do not have to wait in a long queue for the manual booking process. Read this article and learn how to book Indian rail tickets through IRCTC Mobile application available in google play store.

To get started, you must have an account with IRCTC.


How to open an account with IRCTC site for online train ticket booking

1. Go to
2. Select a user ID. The user ID should be unique and it can't be changed. Only letters, numbers, and underscore are allowed in ID.
3. Select password. The password should contain one uppercase and lowercase alphabet and number.
4. Security question and answer to be filled up. It will be required to recover the password.
5. Fill personal details like name, gender, date of birth etc.
6. Fill residential details click submit.

After submission, you will get an conormation mail
You can also register using IRCTC mobile app with the same procedure.

How to use android IRCTC app

1. Click on IRCTC Train ticket Tab in the IRCTC mobile application
2. Type username and password and login.
3. Now you can use the various options in the app.

How to check ticket availability,train, fare for various class via IRCTC App

1. Select station from and to in the app.
2. Select journey date and quota and search.
3. Various trains will show that are available from the tow station.
4. Tap on the train name. It will show train classes like 1A, 2A, 3A SL etc.
5. Then tap the class you want to travel. It will show availability of seats on the date tap on the seat availability number.
6. Confirm your selection. Then you can add passenger, child, preferences of birth etc.
7. The fair will be shown on the same page.
8. Click book and it will redirect you to the payment page. You can book through net banking, debit or credit card.

After booking you can check your booking through the menu and "my booking" option. You can also cancel booked ticket through this app.


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