How to choose a perfect travel destination

Choosing a travel destination is as unique as the traveler. Even traveling to the same location is a different experience for each person all together. Perfect travel planning closely is one of the best ways to ensure that your destination suits your interest and budget. This article will help you choosing the perfect travel destination worldwide.


You have made the decision you want to travel more this year. You have also realized experiences are more important than possessions and you have put together a plan to start saving for your next big trip. Budget and time will play a part in the decision making process but with so many mind blowing places in the world. Travel insurance is also playing a vital role. You may see the article How to choose a perfect travel insurance You will just want to go everywhere and explore as much of the World as possible. But unless you are taking a few years out to travel, this really is not an option. Whichever situation you are in, here are some guidelines to help you choose your travel destinations.


Decide what you would like

Do you like adventure, scenic beauty, or thrilling activities? Consider a place that has rafting, sky-driving and mountain climbing. If you like history, ancient places like Egypt, Rome, Greece, China might be right for you. Beach destinations are popular for relaxation.


Check visa requirements

Countries are not required to apply for tourist visas in advance if people travelling Visa waiver program. Their visa is issued upon port of entry as a passport stamp. For travel to or from other other countries, you may have to apply in advance to obtain your visa before travel, so consider this when choosing your destination.


Decide what kind of budget you need to travel

Some places may expensive because they are remote, but relatively cheap once you are there due to the local economy. You may spend a similar amount of money whether you travel in Middle Asia or Middle Europe. Research the price of airfare, lodging, transportation, activities and food before deciding on a travel destination.


Make sure you are comfortable with foreign languages

Most places have at least a few people who speak English in the tourist areas, otherwise you may have to countries do not use the Roman alphabet. So don't count on reading the signs and looking up the words in a dictionary. Do a little research on your destination, and choose accordingly.


Go to the Center of Disease Control website

Search your travel destination to see what medication and vaccination are recommended, if any. Some vaccinations require over the period of several months, so be sure to see your travel medical professional early.

Safety issues

Check State government's website for safety issues

Do not fully trust on domestic news sources or travel guide books as an indication of current events in a country. It is best to check with your embassy in the country of destination. If travelling within your own country, be aware of any safety issues at the location where you want to go.


Consider the best time

Check the weather for the months you want to travel. Is it summer, winter or monsoon season? If so, you may want to choose a different date or place. The advantage to travelling during the off season is you will deal with fewer crowds. Research the local festivals and holidays. In some countries, everything closes for a month in August for the summer work break, which might make it hard for you to shop. Other countries have strict fasting laws for religious holidays, which will make dining out a challenge. Know the weather, festivities, and customs of your travel destination before you decide.


  • Be open-minded: If you have any confusion, google it and hell out of it, check it's safe and book the flight. Sometimes you will have the best adventures in places you can not remember or pronounce the name
  • Be creative: If you find the travel plan more expensive Find an alternative. Sometime it is really expensive to fly direct but if you change the flight twist are cheap
  • Be decision maker: You have found a place you want to go. Book it now. Just go on and book it. Don't think about it for 1 month. You may miss the opportunity
  • Be more adventurous: Always remember you will only regret the things you didn't do
  • Safe choices: Be adventurous in your travel choices but a good old weekend or a beach holiday should never been sneered at
  • Go solo: You have found somewhere you really want to go but no one wants to go with you? Don't let his stop you, go solo
  • There is always a budget option: Do not let your budget stop you from travelling somewhere. Even the most expensive countries have budget options like free city tour, public transport
  • Grab as much information as you can from people who have been to your travel destination. Be sure to get more than a single point of view
  • When going to more remote destinations, be sure you know the visa requirements for each country where you will change planes. If you must leave the international airport to get to a connecting flight or other transportation, you may need a visa for the transit country


Guest Author: 02 Apr 2016

Some of the useful tips regarding travel particularly to remote destinations are as follows -
1. Keep both hard copies and digital copies of important documents like passport, visas, driver's license, birth certificate, health insurance card and important phone numbers for use in any possible emergency. Soft copies may be stored in an extra hard drive and online also by mailing from one of your email ID to your own other email ID preferably of a different service provider.
2. Always keep some cash stored at different places like socks, toiletry bags, in extra pockets of the backpack or any such other unimaginable places for use during emergency conditions when wallet is lost, ATMs are out of money and card stops working due to any reason.
3. Stay in touch of your family and friends by calling, sending emails, sharing photographs on Facebook like social sites etc., pack less stuff, keep detailed notes, eat local food, keep open mind, often smile and say hello to people and take lot of photos.

Guest Author: Amarnathram05 Apr 2016

I find this article good and useful. In my opinion, choice of travel destinations (both within and outside the country) depends on the following factors:

(a) Budget-this doe not require much elaboration. Choice of destination depends upon the amount which a tourist can spend.
(b) Weather: Generally tourists don't prefer to travel to places with extreme weather (exception: adventure tourists/trekkers).
(c) Language: The language of communication is another important factor. Indian tourists don't feel comfortable to visit such places where English is less understood or spoken.
(d) Mode of travel/communication facility: The places where modes of transport are not easily available are not popular tourist spots.
(e) Hotels and other infrastructures: It is quite natural that places where good hotels are not available are not popular tourist destinations.
(f) Political conditions: Places where there is political unrest are avoided by the tourists.
(g) Personal preferences: The personal choices of tourists are also important factors in choosing travel destinations.

Guest Author: Pritam Kumar Singh20 Jan 2017

For some people going places during vacation and free time is the hobby and they know how to cope with the importance and challenges being faced in deciding a travel destination. But the problem comes for those who attempt their travel plans for the first time and without proper inquiry or planning & they end up in mess. For example there is a place called Basara Saraswathi Temple in Basara which is on the banks of Godavari river. The place is known as a tourist and pilgrimage place for the Goddess Saraswathi. But there is no lodge or staying place during the night and thus if some one plans a late evening journey and reaches the temple place, nothing can be done & that would be total disappointment.

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