My travel experience on holiday in Switzerland

This article tells about the sights of Switzerland and the benefits of staying here in the spring, when you need to recover from the busy work schedule. Read this article carefully before planing to visit Switzerland.



Switzerland a country with beautiful sights

It is a small country in Central Europe, the area of which does not exceed the peninsula of Crimea. One of the stereotypical image of Switzerland - brightly painted rustic chalets, lush alpine meadows and luxurious ski resorts. Strange as it seems, but this impressive picture our imagination quite true. Even greater splendor of this film gives picturesque medieval town, examples of architecture and world-class art, refined Swiss cuisine and, of course, the very colorful population of this unusual and very beautiful country.

Start their journey across the country can probably be from anywhere, but we recommend that the first item to know the country choose to Geneva, located in the west of the country, on the border with France. This is one of the oldest settlements in Europe, which arose during the Roman Empire, located in the scenic rolling hills on the banks of Lake Geneva.

Heart of Geneva and its main attraction

The old town with its narrow streets bruschatymi, stately stone mansions, squares, fountains, galleries, shops and cafes. In the heart of the old town is the building of the Cathedral of St.. Peter, built in the XII century and converted into a spirit of Protestantism after five centuries. Parallel to the shore of Lake Geneva, is the busiest shopping street - Rue de Rive. Necessarily suggest a walk on both sides of the embankment. Walking on it from the left side of the lake, you can see the English Garden and Zhe d'O - one of the highest and most powerful fountains in the world, and on the right - Blanc marina, from which several times a day go white cruise ships and airliners. Other interesting attractions distinguish Museum Barbier - Mueller Museum of Art and History, the Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the Palace of Nations, where is the European headquarters of the United Nations, and of course, the very Geneva Lake, around which there are lots of pretty towns and villages. Note that the 60 kilometers from Geneva is Lausanne - Centre of the International Olympic movement.

Next we proceed to Basel, located in the northern corner of Switzerland, on the border with Germany. Basel is the last port on the Rhine, which may enter the court of the "river-sea". Basel - a major industrial city with a major chemical and pharmaceutical industries. In addition to the fine maze of streets and squares of the Old Town, is distinguished by its magnificence Town Hall and Cathedral XII century with two twin towers, which is a hallmark of the city.

In the Swiss capital Bern, located in the central part of the country, as well as almost all the cities of the country, perfectly preserved medieval historic center, included in UNESCO World Heritage List. In addition to the beautiful views of the Alps, which opens with a natural terrace, where the city is located in Bern is important and necessary to get acquainted with the building of the Swiss Bundestag, digging for the visitors. Next to this building are the two main market areas of Bern - Berenplatts Bundesplatts and on which the last Monday in November is held Onion holiday. Do not forget to create a couple of hours to walk around the old town, enjoy the famous clock tower at the intersection of Kramgasse Marktgasse and visit the zoo Berengraben, explore the historical museum and the center after the famous expressionist Paul Klee Muzeumshtrasse Street, located on the outskirts of the city.

A very important point for our journey may be the Mystery Park in Interlaken, viewing platforms, located on mountain tops Yungfrauoh and Schilthorn, open-air museum Ballenberg where Sveza true national home from all over the country. At the foot of the Matterhorn (4478 m) is the highest mountain resort in the country - Tsarmatt, which has existed for over 200 years and is a real Mecca for skiers and lovers of mountain trekking. Note that the Swiss Alps themselves are important attractions of the country. Because now, in these mountains by road and rail tunnels, funiculars and cable cars, they are readily available to explore with them the ordinary traveler, loving warmth and comfort.
Excellent starting point for exploring the central part of Switzerland is Lucerne. Located on Lake Lucerne, it is a place where once a XII century it was concluded "everlasting covenant" of the three forest cantons, and in fact there was very Switzerland.

Decoration of the north-central part of the country is Zurich - the city that dominates the country's economy since the Middle Ages, when the city was ruled by this guild. In 1877, the stock exchange opened here, which is the fourth in the world by turnover. This is where the Swiss bankers control the capital of many transnational corporations. In addition to the business center and the old town, visitors are advised to visit the cathedral and the church of St. Fraumunster. Peter kluatr with Romanesque and stained glass works by Marc Chagall, and Swiss National Museum, which has a unique collection of antiquities, evidence of the rich history and cultural diversity of this multi-ethnic country.

The only country in the Swiss National Park, and the magnificent modern ski resort of Klosters and Davos in the east, end our journey in Ticino, the southernmost canton of Switzerland, located in the south of the country, on the border with Italy. Here we will recommend you to visit the capital city of the canton of Bellinzona, Loarno, with overhanging the city Temple Madonna del Saso, especially Lugano - on the same lake, with palm trees in ranks on the lake, in the heart of elegant squares and streets with arcades.


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